What you should pay attention to when traveling in Saudi Arabia?

How to communicate with locals

When you want to say hello or goodbye to the people here, you should shake hands to show polite communication. They will find you friendly and closer to them. You should stand near and should not stand too far when talking with them because standing too far will make them feel dissatisfied and disrespectful. Moreover, you must not kiss when greeting.

Saudi Locals

Be careful when using water
In Saudi Arabia, there are many possible problems with water sources, so you should avoid tap water. You should use bottled water to drink, brush your teeth, and daily activities.

Saudi Water

Pay more attention to tipping
This is a routine you need to know when traveling here. For each type, there will be different tips. For example, when using a taxi, drinking coffee, or other services you need to pay an additional 10% of your total bill.

Saudi Tipping

Weather in Saudi Arabia
In order for your trip to be complete and unobstructed, you need to remember to monitor the weather to have plans to explore this city. Here the heavy rain usually lasts and the rainiest months are November and February. At this time you should not come here because of the storm, you should choose the other months to be able to explore this country smoothly. 

Saudi Weather

Buy travel insurance
Travel insurance is necessary when you encounter any problems in this country. The insurance companies will have a sufficient level of sponsorship. Many people do not pay much attention to travel insurance. However, you should buy and take it with you when traveling in Saudi Arabia to avoid possible problems such as health.

Medical Insurance
These are things to remember when traveling to Saudi Arabia that we would recommend to you. Please pocket these experiences for a complete and enjoyable trip. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us immediately for the best advice and support.


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